Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Welcome To My Travel Guide

Γεια σας! (Hello) And welcome to my travel guide.
It would appear that you can no longer purchase stone tablets to document your travels on. However, let it not be said that Jason cannot adapt, so thank you to the kind store person who told me about this Blogger phenomenon.

I feel it's only right for me to begin with the story of how I came to be so knowledgeable on travel.
I was born in Iolkos in Thessaly, Greece (stay tuned for my post on Iolkos) under the reign of King Kretheus. When Kretheus died a terrible injustice occurred, instead of Kretheus' son (and my father) Aison ruling the kingdom Kretheus' stepson Pelias seized the kingdom. Out of fear for my survival my mother and father smuggled me (a legitimate heir) out to the country.

After twenty years of being nursed by the Centaur's holy daughters I returned home to Iolkos to claim the ancient honour of my father. Pelias agreed to return the kingdom to me if I could bring the golden fleece to him (see 'The Beginning of My Story' to the right of the page). Looking back on this I probably shouldn't of believed he would honour his word, but more on this later.

I immediately commissioned the great boat maker Argos to build me a strong ship (the Argo) and I put out the call for the best men in the realm to join me on my quest to Colchis. Amongst these men were Heracles, Orpheus, Caster and Polydeuces, these and the other men were to be called the Argonauts. And it is from this journey that I shall be sharing my travel adventures, tips and knowledge.

- Jason.

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